How to Access Your 2024 W-2’s
Greenshades Login
To Login:
- Click “Access without an account.”
- Input your Social Security Number without spaces or dashes on the first line
- Input your last name on the second line
- Click the box to send a verification code to your email
- Input the verification code in the final box
BOLD Talent Portal
To Login:
- Type in email and click ‘continue’
- Type in your password and click ‘login’
Forgot Your Password?
- Click “reset password” if you don’t know your password and create a password through your email
Accessing Your W-2
- Find your W-2 under the ‘Documents’ tab of your Profile Portal
TJC Mobile APP
To Download:
- Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and download our TJC Mobile App
- Worked with us before? Login to access your profile (use the forgot password option to reset)
- New to filling out an application with us? Click the ‘Apply’ button to get started
Accessing Your W-2
- After logging in, click the ‘Pay Stubs and W2s’ button to view